
Threads: a thread is a “light-weight” process

  • It is a unit of execution within a given process (a process may have several threads)
  • Each thread in a process shares the memory(except stack) and resources while processes don’t share memory.
  • Creating a new thread requires fewer resources than creating a new process.

Time-Slicing Algorithm

Processing time for a single core is shared among processes and threads.
![](E:\wztblog\source\img\Pasted image 20210223163210.png)


  1. NEW: Instantiate a thread. We use start() method.
  2. Runnable: After we have started the thread.The thread is executing.
  3. Waiting: A thread waits for other threads to finish. Use wait(), sleep() method. Can be waken up by other threads.
  4. Dead After the thread finished its task.